
Throughout our unit on Right Triangles, you have learned that we can solve for missing measurements (sides and angles) using a variety of methods. You also know that the best method relies on what information is given and what information is missing. In the real world, there are times where some measurements are more easily acquired than others. Therefore, the various methods of solving right triangles come into play when the missing measurements are needed to complete a project.

You have recently been hired at a new architectural firm! Part of your job involves taking requests from clients, designing a plan, and trying to fit that plan within the customer’s budget.

A new client has requested a proposal and she has requested the firm’s assistance on two projects that he would like to have planned out by your firm. Your mission within this WebQuest is to give the customer the proper advice for helping him design his property to his specifications as close to budget as possible. If this is not possible, you and your group should make suggestions that will allow the client to modify the project or the budget.

As an individual, you will choose between one of three roles and implement part of the plan. In your work, you will be required to use your knowledge of trigonometry and how to solve right and oblique triangles in order to give the client the proper advice.

As a team, you will consolidate all of the information from your team and present a report to the customer with your findings.

Can the client’s needs be met while staying within budget for both projects?